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Safe the Date: Dnevi praktičnega vrtnarjenja za FLINTA* 22.-27. april 2025

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Current events Najnovejše novice Aktuelles

Odpravljamo prostorske ovire!

Prostori društva GemSe bodo še bolj dostopni! Od februarja do konca maja 2025 bodo v GemSe (v)gradili dvigalo in sanitarije brez ovir.

V tem času večje skupine ne bodo mogle uporabljati  prostorov. Posamezniki in manjše skupine lahko še vedno uporabljajo naše prostore, odvisno od faz gradnje. Preprosto se obrnite na gemse_buchen[at]riseup[dot]net

Archiv Arhiv Archive

External Event: Kraftwerkstatt

When? 21.-24.11.2024

Where? GemSe, Wertschach/Dvorče 15, 9612 Nötsch

Who is invited? Females*Lesbians*Inter*Non Binary*Trans*Agender* Persons

We want to devote ourselves entirely to our inner strength. Shortly before the start of winter, we often need time and space to digest the fast pace of summer and prepare ourselves for winter rest. These days, we would like to focus on sustainable activism, resilience and burnout prevention. The GemSe ( seems to us to be a wonderful place for this. The power workshop will also include short hikes in the surrounding area and time in the November forest. The sauna, the exercise room and the beautiful surroundings will help us to enjoy self-care days together, which can provide us with strength and energy for the dark season.


Registration: wanderwoman[at]riseup[dot]net

Archiv Arhiv Archive

Externe Veranstaltung: Careful Collisions – A queer-feminist Contact Impro Lab

When? 11.-15.09.2024

Where? GemSe, Wertschach/Dvorče 15, 9612 Nötsch

Who is invited? Open for all genders

Language: English, German

Open level: No prior experience required.

Price: Sliding scale 340 – 420 – 500 € all inclusive (except travel costs) – nobody will be turned away for lack of funds


Contact: contact.improvisation[at]proton[dot]me

Insta: @careful_collisions

5 days lab/camp for research / recreation / co-creation

Coming together with our different bodies / identities / entanglements / needs, we will inevitably collide. How can we practice this failing, falling, and rebounding – find playfulness and pleasure in it? How do we cultivate skills to show up for ourselves and others // with care?

We will explore this together in a queer-feminist CI-research lab: Experimenting with physical / emotional / social forces and mapping out strategies, by engaging in the practices of contact improvisation / somatics / community.

What can happen, is possible.

Researching / practicing / integrating
labs / jams / recreation

Hosted by: Levi Mühlbacher & Arleziana Fundiur

Archiv Arhiv Archive

External Event: FLINTA* Thaiboxcamp

Kdaj: 17.-25.08.2024

Kje? GemSe, Wertschach/Dvorče 15, 9612 Nötsch

Za koga je namenjen? Tabor je namenjen FLINTA* osebam, ki trenirajo tajski boks in že poznajo osnovne tehnike.

* Da bi lahko v celoti financirali tabor, je cena na udeleženca 350 EUR. Ta znesek lahko plačate, če si ga lahko privoščite.

* Določili smo najnižjo ceno 150 EUR.

* Če želite, lahko plačate tudi več in tako podprete tiste, ki lahko plačajo manj.

* Ne zahtevamo in ne želimo dokazil o vaši odločitvi, koliko lahko ali želite plačati. Ponovno vas prosimo, da prevzamete osebno odgovornost in ste solidarni drug z drugim.

Prijave: FlintaThaiBoxcamp[at]proton[dot]me

Več informacij o lokaciji, postopku in pravilih vabljenja najdete tukaj.

Archiv Arhiv Archive

F*Art week

F*Art week is taking place at GemSe for the first time. A FLINTA* art week. It’s all about being creative and letting go of perfectionist demands.

When? 08.-14.07.2024

GemSe, Wertschach/Dvorče 15, 9612 Nötsch

Costs: Sliding Scale 490,- | 530,- | 610,-  all inc.

Language: German, English

Who is invited? F
emales*Lesbians*Inter*Non Binary*Trans*Agender* Persons

Registration at: gemse_gailtal[at]riseup[dot]net?

Archiv Arhiv Archive

Bodies of Care (ABGESAGT!)

In der Natur miteinander die Herzen aufladen, gemeinsam Selfcare-Ressourcen austauschen und entwickeln, Raum für kreaitven und somatischen Austausch kreieren. Für alle LGBTIQA+, die sich wünschen, aufzutanken, zu entschleunigen und mehr Verbindung zu erleben.

Wann: 17.-21. April 2024

Wo? GemSe, Wertschach 15, 9612 Nötsch

Kosten: 340 – 420 – 500€ (Nach Selbsteinschätzung)

Anmeldung und weitere Infos hier

Archiv Arhiv Archive

Concert: Mister Montelli Trio CANCELLED!

Foto: Maria Frodl

Flutes, viola, clarinets – three musicians, three instruments and three voices – a found composition for this instrumentation – written under the pseudonym “Mister Montelli“.

When? 01.03.2024, 7 pm

Where? GemSe, Wertschach 15, 9612 Nötsch

Entry: Donation

Archiv Arhiv Archive

External Event: Journey to sacred clowning

Clowns workshop for all levels and all gender in English.

More informations: @francescazannierclown
Questions and Application: fzannierclass[at]

When? 19.-24.02.2024

Where? GemSe, Wertschach 15, 9612 Nötsch

Archiv Arhiv Archive

Children’s book reading “The little jellyfish in search of the POCH”

Reading in German of the children’s book with one of the authors/designers. For children aged 3 and over and anyone who wants to come along on a little journey through the sea.

When? 11.02.2024, 2.00 to 3.30 pm

Where? GemSe, Wertschach 15, 9612 Nötsch

Language: German