Archiv Arhiv Archive

External Event: FLINTA* Thaiboxcamp

When? 17.-25.08.2024

Where? GemSe, Wertschach/Dvorče 15, 9612 Nötsch

Who is invited? Female*Lesbians*Inter*Non Binary*Trans*Agender* Persons, who train Thai boxing and already know basic techniques.

* So that we can fully finance the camp, the price per participant is €350. You can pay this amount if you can afford it.

* We have set a minimum price of 150€.

* If you want, you can also pay more and support those who can pay less.

* We do not require or want proof of your decision as to how much you can or want to pay.

Registrations: FlintaThaiBoxcamp[at]proton[dot]me

You can find more information about the location, procedure and invitation policy here.