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GemSe garden days for TINFLA* 22.-27.04.2025

The time has come, spring is definitely coming and we want to network, get to know each other, spend a good time together and actually do something together – especially when it gets frosty somewhere else. So get out into the countryside and the garden with us!

Yes, there will be garden days at GemSe. And we look forward to caring for the property with you, mowing the lawn, planting and cutting shrubs and herbs, laying new paths, cleaning up, supplying firewood, redesigning the slope and planting beds.

Of course we will also use the sauna, cook for each other, lie in the sun, have a campfire in the evenings and have a nice time together.

You don’t know GemSe yet? We are very happy when people come who have never been here before, because the garden days are a simple opportunity to get a taste of the Gemsiverse and for us to get to know you!

When: April 22, 2025 – April 27, 2025
Where: in GemSe, Wertschach 15/Dvorče 15, 9612 Nötsch/Čajna

We invite TINFLA*
, with and without experience with plants and gardens, and who enjoy doing things together.

Registration and questions at: miekusch[at]web[dot]de

Come alone, come together! We look forward to seeing you!